Monday, November 12, 2007


sat. night was filled with way too many things to of them being a benefit concert. the concert was put on by the village club, and it's purpose was to collect blankets for the homeless to donate to a group doing mission work in portland. the concert consisted of ryan aqui and kristen coffeen singing, me playing percussion, and kendra coffeen playing bass. it was a lot of fun and i hope we get to do it again sometime. afterwards, the improv team, led by scotty entertained everyone with some laugh out loud improv. so....i grabbed my camera and took some photos. here's what i came up with...

1 comment:

Adam Farnsworth said...

Hey Chris-

You've got some skills man! I didn't know you were a photographer too! I really like them, I've snatched the RSS feed so I'll be watching, keep them coming...
